Secondary Event RSVP with Number Attending option
Only my primary event allows you to add a number of people attending whereas the secondary events are "yes or no" reply options only. How do I get the number attending option on secondary events?
Official comment
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your post! It looks like you connected with our support team about your event's specific set up requirements. I'll share some context here for other users who might have the same question!
Secondary events are designed to be follow ups to the primary event - in other words, all the guests would be added in the first step and then they can accept/decline the various subevents. In some cases, it makes sense to make the first "primary block" is something general to collect the registrants, and then each guest will be asked to RSVP to the various subevents.
Alternatively, you could use a "ticketed" event setup, or a quantity custom question if you just need quick headcounts.
This guide walks through some of the set up options in more detail, but don't hesitate to chat with our team about your specific use case!
The RSVPify Team
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